Excess asbestos exposure can cause serious health damage as it is bad for your skin if you touch it, and dust inhalation can result in lung damage, potentially leading to cancer. Safe handling practices is extremely important. Individuals should wear personal protective equipment (PPE) and should be trained in the safe handling of asbestos. In this article, Tradey’s Browns Plains discusses safe and secure asbestos handling. Contact our team to discuss how we can help you protect your team from harmful substances, whichever industry you’re in.

Protective Clothing
High quality protective equipment for asbestos handing is essential to keep you safe. Individuals should wear disposable clothing made up of coveralls, gloves, masks and respirators. Eliminating skin contact and the risk of breathing in dust should be the two most important things to consider for the safe handling of asbestos.
Equipment Use
There are multiple ways to reduce the risk of breathing in asbestos dust. Vacuum cleaners are an effective way of removing dust before it gets into the air, while dampening techniques provide moisture to the air, which lessens the ability for airborne fibres to spread.
Safe Handling Procedures
Safe handling is essential. Workers should avoid unnecessary agitation of the asbestos bags, while ensuring the material is not snapped or broken in the process. They should also use the correct lifting techniques to minimise the risk of tears and spills.
Disposal Guidelines
It is important to get well acquainted with the local laws and regulations surrounding asbestos in your area. Different local governments have different asbestos bag disposal rules which must be adhered to.
Proper Containment
Asbestos bags must be properly sealed. This involves double bagging them to ensure that no fibres are released into the air, which could then be breathed in, causing serious health risks.
Emergency Response
Safe handling of asbestos also involves knowing when to report an issue, and what authorities to report it to. If you spill, tear or damage asbestos bags, creating a large spill, it should be immediately reported to the necessary authorities or supervisor.
Emergency Procedure
An emergency procedure should be put in place in the event of a serious incident. Decontamination procedures should be organised, and workers should be sufficiently trained so they instinctively know what to do in an emergency incident. Furthermore, workers should know when to seek medical advice and treatment in order to reduce long term skin damage in the event of contamination and exposure.
Find out more about protective equipment for asbestos handling and bag disposal by contacting us online or calling 07 3809 2211.